Thursday 24 March 2011

Atlantis: The Lost Continent???

Atlantis: Where is the Lost Continent?
Some say it's in the Caribbean, some say at the South Pole, while others say it never existed at all. But an astonishing recent discovery off the coast of Cuba just might solve the mystery of the great sunken civilization

 The legend of the lost civilization of Atlantis comes to us primarily from an account recorded by Plato, the great Greek philosopher and author, around 370 B.C.E. He described it as a beautiful continent-sized island that existed somewhere to the west of the Mediterranean, by most interpretations. It was a peaceful land, prosperous from its flourishing commerce, highly advanced in knowledge and technology, and powerful in its governmental influence. After many years of prosperity, however, the gods looked unfavorably upon the island nation because of its arrogant rulers and complacent citizenry, and they condemned it. In just one dreadful day and night, Plato tells us, Atlantis was completely destroyed by catastrophic flooding and disappeared beneath the sea.
Plato's description of the exact location of Atlantis is vague at best, giving us only its general direction. People have been searching for it ever since.
The idea that such a marvelous lost world may have once existed - and about which we know so little and have even less evidence - is compelling. People have devoted their lives to studying, researching and hunting for Atlantis. A lucrative cottage industry has grown around the legend, producing countless books, articles, websites and movies - all speculating on the true fate of the doomed land.
Did Atlantis really exist? If so, where was it and can we find evidence of the once-great civilization today? Not surprisingly, there are many theories as to the precise location of Atlantis. Whenever underwater ruins of any kind are found, it seems, someone tries to link them to Atlantis.
Here are some of the more popular theories, plus the latest information on a recent remarkable discovery that just might shed light on the legend of Atlantis.
NowhereMany historians and mainstream scholars consider the story of Atlantis just that - a story. This point of view is explained in an article entitled "Atlantis, Again" on N.S. Gill's Ancient/Classical History section of "Given Plato's concern for good government and an ideal image of Athens of old," writes the article's author, Aulus, "it is very clear that this is a parable regarding the need for virtuous government and rulers. Of the few other ancient mentions of Atlantis, all are but commentaries on Plato's tale... We all would like to think that somewhere, some time there was or is or will be a nice utopia. Unfortunately, that's all Atlantis ever was, a tale of utopia."
The West Indies or BahamasThe Bahamas is an independent state in the long string of beautiful islands known as the West Indies just east of Florida. This area is favored by many as the last remnants of Atlantis primarily due to a 1932 "reading" by Edgar Cayce, the famous "Sleeping Prophet." In this reading, Cayce said that evidence for Atlantis could be found as far east as the Pyrenees and Morocco and as far west as the Yucatan, in Mexico. The Bahamas, however, might be the best place to look:
There are some protruding portions... that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies, or the Bahamas, are a portion of same that may be seen in the present. If the geological survey would be made in some of these especially, or notably in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined.
One of the most often-cited "proofs" of the accuracy of Cayce's prediction was the discovery in 1969 of enigmatic stone formations beneath the ocean at Bimini in the Bahamas. Although skeptics claim that the geometric, adjoined stone slabs are completely natural formations, believers suspect that the stones were once part of a great Atlantean roadway or temple.
Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle Crystal relates one incredible story about a discovery made by Dr. Ray Brown in 1970 while scuba diving near the Bari Islands in the Bahamas. Brown claims that he came upon a pyramid-like structure with a smooth, mirror-like stone finish. Swimming inside, he found the interior to be completely free of coral and algae, and was illuminated by some unknown light source. In the center was a sculpture of human hands holding a four-inch crystal sphere, above which was suspended a red gem at the end of a brass rod. Brown says he took the crystal, which allegedly has strange, mystical powers. "People have felt breezes or winds blowing close to it," the article says. "Both cold and warm layers surround it at various distances. Other witnesses have observed phantom lights, heard voices or felt strange tingling sensations surrounding it." Brown's story, of course, has yet to be corroborated or verified.

AntarcticaThis relatively recent theory holds that Antarctica is Atlantis. Those who subscribe to this theory say that Antarctica wasn't always the ice-covered land at the bottom of the world, as it is today. The continent was once a tropical land situated on the Earth's equator, but was shifted to the South Pole due to a slippage of the planet's crust. This theory is described in great detail, with photos and maps, at Atlantis and the Earth's Shifting Crust. One of their main pieces of evidence is an alleged ancient Egyptian map of Atlantis, said to be published in a book by a German Jesuit priest in 1665. The map depicts "Atlantis" between the Americas and Africa (look at a globe from the bottom and Antarctica is indeed situated between South America and Africa). More intriguing, however, is the shape of Atlantis in this supposedly ancient map: it corresponds almost exactly to the shape of the land beneath all the ice of Antarctica - a shape that wasn't known until 20th century satellite imaging!
MexicoGene D. Matlock is one researcher who believes we should be conducting the search for Atlantis in the Yucatan region of Mexico. Matlock cites place names as one of the compelling proofs:
Atlán, Autlán, Mazatlán, Cihuatlán, Cacatlán, Tecaltitlán, Tihuatlán, Atitlán, Zapotlán, Minititlán, Ocotlán, Miahuatlán, Tecaltitlán, Tepatitlán, Tihuatlán, Texiutlán, and the like. Notice that the Nahuatl Tlán root of these place names is exactly like the Tlan in "Atlantis."
He also cites an ancient, spiral-shaped harbor with high banks or dikes lining the channels that once existed near San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, Mexico. This layout is very much like that described by Plato for Atlantis's great port city.
The Celtic ShelfThe Celtic Shelf is the continental shelf surrounding much of England. This area, currently underwater, was actually above water during the last ice age, over 10,000 years ago. It is here, according to a theory by Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev, a Russian researcher in his article, "Atlantis: A New Hypothesis," that artifacts from the lost Atlantis might be found. "Plato's geographical descriptions of Atlantis correlate with sufficient precision with the actual paleogeographic situation at the time he specified: in the Atlantic Ocean," he writes, "outside the Mediterranean Sea, there must have really existed land, where there was a plain adjoining the coast of approximately the same size as described by Plato. The verification of this hypothesis can be effected by organizing an expedition for underwater exploration on the Celtic Shelf, in particular, in the Little Sole Bank area."
An Exploded PlanetThis is probably one of the most controversial theories about the location of Atlantis - outer space. Alan Alford makes the case that Atlantis was not an island, continent or any other terrestrial landform, but a planet circling our sun. Alford goes back to Atlantis's Egyptian roots (Plato is said to be retelling the story of Solon, who in turn told the stories that he had heard during his trip to Egypt) and his interpretation of Egyptian legends to include a neighbor planet that blew up in some ancient era. This doomed planet may have been, in fact, the home of the technologically advanced Atlanteans. "This example of Atlantis," Alford writes, "illustrates how the implications of an exploded planet cult in ancient Egypt extend well beyond the boundaries of Egyptology itself, leading to a radical reappraisal of the so-called 'gods,' which came down from heaven to Earth. The identification of these gods (the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, the Builder Gods of Edfu, for example) as meteoric planetary fragments inevitably begs the question of whether God, the son of God and the angels of God are also echoes of this ancient and profound inter-planetary creation cult."
Off the Coast of CubaIn May, 2001, an astounding discovery was made off the coast of Cuba. An ocean engineer named Paulina Zelitsky, while conducting ocean sonar research for Advanced Digital Communications, imaged something she could hardly believe. She told a reporter for Reuters: ""We are the first people ever to see the bottom of Cuban waters over 50 meters. It's so exciting. We are discovering... even possibly a sunken city built in the pre-classic period and populated by an advanced civilization similar to the early Teotihuacan culture of Yucatan."
Incredibly, the sunken city lies on the floor of the ocean at a depth of about 2,200 feet! It must therefore be a quite ancient civilization indeed!
Zelitsky said that the sonar revealed a "huge land plateau with clear images of what appears to be urban development partly covered by sand. From above, the shapes resemble pyramids, roads and buildings."
This is an incredible and potentially history-altering discovery. And it was made not by some lone diver or amateur organization. This find was made by scientists. And today no less an organization than the National Geographic Society has become involved and is investigating the site. It is not known how long the investigation will take or when National Geographic will release its findings. If the sonar images are accurate, however, we will at least have evidence of some lost, unknown culture. On the most fantastic level, we may finally have found Atlantis.

Tuesday 22 March 2011


I. Khufu's Great Pyramid (Located in GIZA, EGYPT. The only one
of the famous 7 Wonders of the Ancient
World that still stands at present day)

II. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Located in the City Of Babylon, Modern Iraq)

III. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia  (Peloponnesus, Modern GREECE)

IV. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Located in Ephesus present day TURKEY)

V. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus  (Mediterranean coast of Asia Minor)

VI. The Colossus of Rhodes ( island of RHODES located in the southwestern
tip of Asia Minor)

VII. The Great Lighthouse at Alexandria (Alexandria, Egypt)


BERMUDA ISLAND...ohlalala.....

  • Have a peek of this undeniably, beautiful, peaceful place of BERMUDA ISLAND!!! Its unique pink sands, really takes my breath away... how I wish I could visit this awesome place someday. Now, this is one of my top list aside from MALDIVES to visit! :)


To better appreciate the enigma of aircraft and boat disappearances, it is necessary to understand the sea over which they so inexplicably vanished. Largely, this area is the Bahamas, itself one of the most exotic places on this globe. This tour is to give you some idea of what it is like to be flying in the most popular area of the Bermuda Triangle.  
   The choice of our departure is a common one– the vacation Mecca of Miami, Florida. Miami is one corner of the infamous Triangle. Our destination is San Juan, Puerto Rico, another corner or nodal point in the Triangle’s notorious waters. Since we will be making several stops, some between short distances, and many  island runways are small, we will be flying on a Piper Chieftain, a 10 seater, 6 window executive shuttle. They are noisy and not so glamorous, but one’s attention is directed to the breathtaking sights below anyway.    Our first view is the antithesis of mystery: the condominiums, casinos, hotels and bustling sands of Miami Beach. Advancing lines of breaking surf soon fade to the deep blue Gulf Stream, dotted with any imaginable type of vessel. This is a veritable seagoing freeway. The Gulf Stream flows about close to 5 mph here, sweeping the warm waters of the tropical Gulf into the cold and tumultuous Atlantic. Here off Florida’s warm waters, the Gulf Stream is manageable, but nevertheless many pleasure boaters like to head south and then catch the Gulf Stream as though it was a conveyor belt northward. Then they glide off at the Bahamas, onto its peaceful, shallow azure waters.       By aircraft, it is just 20 minutes or so. Our first stop, Bimini, is actually 2 islands: North and, naturally, South Bimini. It’s only about 56 miles away from Miami.  A small plane like ours is only briefly at its cruise altitude, which is often very low. This allows a breathtaking glimpse of whatOne of the greatest vacation Meccas in the world.     Bimini is hardly a palm-fringed paradise. Abundant casuarina trees and older homes give it a summer camp look. And the rustic bars and hotels that cater to the loads of game fishermen, divers & snorkelers lend Bimini a slightly honky-tonk atmosphere.    But the exotic of the tropics is never far from her coasts. Divers are all over the shallow turquoise waters, and glass bottom boats load up passengers to view “Atlantis” off North Bimini’s Paradise Point. See Quasar’s drawing of the Bimini Road   The main settlements are Alice Town and Bailey Town, which are right next to each other. They are always busy with entering and exiting fishing excursions and diving tours. Overhead, the drone of airplanes passing over Bimini reminds one the island is only the gateway to the Bahamas. Beyond lies the exotic heart of the archipelago, and for many unsolved mystery in the Bermuda Triangle.     Alice Town & Baily Town. Cruises leave past Pigeon Cay, (right of picture) to exit between South Bimini and North Bimini.   Mystery does not just haunt the “drop off” of nearby Moselle Reef (seen right on the Nasa photo as the long wake of breakers south of Bimini), where greenish phosphorescent lights scurry about underneath and where compasses are said to spin more frequently. Russian authorities have now confessed that during the cold war their submarines more frequently encountered the fabled USOs— Unidentified Submersible Objects— the undersea cousins of the irascible UFOs we hear so much about. They are another unsolved enigma that haunts these alluring   Heading southeast we see that the ocean barely covers the Great Bahama Bank. For an hour or more one is dazzled by a kaleidoscope of changing colors: blues, jades, and turquoise, as the currents scour the bottom like wind does the dunes of the desert. It is hard to imagine that scores of planes could have vanished over these same beautiful waters Yet a Lake Amphibian was in this exact region in 1973 and left no trace, carrying 3 people. It was an amphibious plane; it could land and float on water. But what happened? In 1997 a plane temporarily  vanished. It was later found only 5 miles southeast of Bimini in only     Everything seems normal in our flight. We seem secure. The engines drone on, and one anxiously awaits seeing yachts schooning with a brisk trade wind below. One can’t help but wonder what strikes along this routine sky highway so fast as to change such an exotic, surreal scene.     A twin Beech passed over here in 1976 bound for Caicos; a Piper Cherokee in May 1978; another Cherokee in April 1979; yet again, in September 1979 an Aero Commander 500; A Cessna 402B charter 1984; a big B-25 in 1966 . . . Oh, well, many others.     Casual conversations on such small planes are common. When the topic of the Triangle comes up . . .if it does . . . I must bite my tongue. I best not mention it to the others. To have figures and facts won’t get you any kudos. Other passengers will  just dig their fingers into the upholstery and demand a bathroom.  Let’s continue: skirting Andros Island; flying over the “Tongue” . . .Nassau!BiminiwestcoastMiamiExoticwaters_ExumaThe Bahamaslocals dub the “drop-off”– the dividing line between the very shallow Great Bahama Bank around Bimini, seen as light blue and jade waters, and the blue ocean over the abyssal Florida Straits.  tropical waters. The Russian confession merely adds more enigma to the background of vanishing ships and planes that passed this island, as we must now, and were never seen again.      We takeoff now to toward Andros Island and then New Providence Island, the administrative center of the Bahamas.  The beauty of off-shore Bimini.7 feet of water. Yet it took a week to find it. As it stands now, rumors have it the plane was found empty, even the key was removed from the ignition.    These are but minor mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle. Sportsmen, divers, pleasure boaters, and conch fisherman, are familiar with the enigmatic wrecks. But mystery delves deeper than casual and passing acquaintance. Greg and Laura Little have frequently wreck-hunted in the area, finding small aircraft and even a DC-3! I was called upon to examine and investigate a couple of these recently (2009) to see if either could be linked with a missing in the Triangle. History Channel did a big show around one found 55 miles east of Bimini at the “Eye.”      The “Eye” is not unique, but for our purposes a few chords of those old 1970s docudrama music are not out of place. In the shallow waters of the Bahamas, wrecks eventually attract turtle grass. The “Eye” is the result of an as-yet untraced wreck, perhaps a Cessna 310, that crashed sometime in the 1970s. The “Eye” looks like a marled area from overhead, some mottled dark green blemish in the cool azure underwater silky sands of the Bahamas. But where are the dozens of others? Where are the “eyes” that should have been created by all the missing aircraft and vessels that vanished over these shallow waters and left no trace? Even if undiscovered at the time of the initial searches, each should have formed a mottled area which all locals would be familiar with. Yet the Triangle swallows all clues, even after decades.  Exumawaters   I didn’t seek the dubious reputation I’ve acquired. I didn’t set out to be the “world’s expert on the Bermuda Triangle.” It was something that pondered over with my fellow Generation X. We enjoyed documentaries as a kid. we loved the vignettes in the age of “docudramas.” We loved the narration and the chords of mystery music resonating as yet another ship of plane was said to have vanished without trace. The theories enchanted and excited us. When I started investigating in 1990 I had no idea I would confirm that so many continued to vanish. I can never prove or disprove the major theories, but one thing is certain disappearances do happen here more frequently than other seas. And on top of this, given the topography of the Bahamas, mystery clutches greedily to the Triangle disappearances more than elsewhere. Why indeed have none
 left no trace? Even “eyes” have remained closed to the many missing in the Triangle.      As haunting as it seems, this chilling aura of mystery draws adventures and sportsmen. It is a sidelight of the exotic in an already fun-filled trip. Will something truly “triangle-esque” happen to us? Will our compass spin? Will we really see the “electronic fog?” Will those mysterious green lights and glowing waters surface? Will we even see those mysterious USOs reported by both US and Soviet ships?     Perhaps all the ships and planes didn’t truly vanish along here anyway. Did they all go down, conveniently, in deep water? The only real deep water coming up on the horizon is an ominous sight and itself a mystery.